How Long Can You Drive On Spare Tire – Comprehensive Guide

How Long Can You Drive On Spare Tire

You must not use backup tires as a long-term alternative, which prompts the question; How long can you drive on spare tire. The kind of spare tire in your car influences how far you may travel before repairing or replacing your tire.

Every type of earlier automobile comes with a spare tire that exactly matches the tires already on the car. Car manufacturers have recognized over the ages that because backup tires rarely get utilized, it serves minimal sense to provide every automobile with an entire substitute. Consequently, makers began to offer a space-saving replacement rather than a full-size backup. 

Quick Summary: You should change your spare tire as quickly as feasible. However, the exact mileage varies depending on the spare type you possess. A full-size spare provides more time and distance, whereas space-saver tires must get swapped around 70 miles roughly.

Read more information on additional tire durability and how much you can travel with a backup tire.

A spare tire is an extra tire kept in an automobile to substitute one that gets flat, blows out, or experiences some problem. A spare tire is a misnomer because practically all cars contain a complete wheel with a tire placed into it as a replacement instead of just a tire. Let’s look at how long can you drive on spare tire.

How Long Can You Drive On Spare Tire?

Here we go!

How Long Can You Dive On A Donut Spare?

Most automobiles come standard with a space-saving or “donut” spare tire. These are tiny, petite tires that get meant to fit into tighter places while remaining light on the car. You have to use donut spare tires in moderation.

These tires don’t have the exact endurance requirements as ordinary tires. They feature minimal traction and considerably narrower walls than regular tires, making them more prone to depreciation and strain.

These tires are also significantly smaller than standard tires, forcing them to spin quicker to catch pace with the remaining three, increasing their deterioration.

You may consult your owner’s handbook for particular usage instructions for your vehicle’s spare tire. Meanwhile, you must not travel on a donut backup beyond 70 miles at rates above 50 Miles per hour. Essentially, enough time to drive oneself to the closest car shop at an acceptable pace.

How Long Can You Dive On A  Run-Flat Tire

Run-flat tires have become more popular as producers discover they are less expensive to service than standard tires. You certainly have run-flat tires if you drive a current model BMW or small, and these tires are more durable than conventional ones.

Still, they don’t have the ability to survive indefinitely, like a full-spare tire. So instead of providing a backup tire, these run-flat tires can resist common road dangers, providing punctures.

Then instead of fizzling or bursting out, as standard tires do, a run-flat tire may keep traveling for around 50 miles after becoming perforated before having to be changed. But, these tires are more expensive to change than standard tires.

Although you get a little more space to move on such tires, it is critical to examine your tire once you detect any difference in tire pressure.

How Long Can You Dive On A Full-Size Tire

Automobiles come with backup tires large enough to hold a full-size spare for many years. It’s still the situation on many older vehicles and a couple of modern ones.

If you purchased a pickup, Suvs, or similar significant transport, your automobile most likely has a full-size spare tire. So, if we talk about how long can you drive on spare tire, a full-size spare tire is bulkier and needs more stockroom; it is more robust and can endure a drive equivalent to a standard tire.

After taking your car to a mechanic and learning that the ruptured tire is unusable, you might insist that the replacement tire get mounted on the existing rim. It is crucial to know that the same company does not usually manufacture a full-size replacement tire as the remaining tires in your car.

That means it will behave differently from the other tires. We recommend getting a new tire as quickly as you can manage it, but it will give you considerable time.


Again, the speed at which you may drive on a supplementary tire determines the kind of replacement tire. With mileage, it’s a good idea to keep your pace low while traveling on a replacement tire to avoid causing extra stress and strain on the reserve.

If you’re curious how far someone can travel on a backup tire; irrespective of the type of replacement tire you’re carrying or how extensively utilized the replacement. It’s usually better not to guess but rather concentrate on replacing the backup with a tire ASAP.

Note: Another crucial aspect is how many times you can use a backup tire. Although there is no limit on how many times your backup can get used, you should take care of it to ensure it will last more. Even though you have a spare tire on your car, it doesn’t imply it’s the right one. It will last roughly eight years as a backup tire when used sparingly.

Bottom Line

As explained in the guide, how far you can travel on a backup tire is determined by the type of spare tire you got. Meanwhile, it may be enticing to drive your backup to its limitations to avoid the high expense of a new tire.

Remember that the entire lifetime of your spare is limited and may be much less if you’ve previously utilized the tire. Racing down your backup tire, be it a donut or a full-size, merely indicates you’ll have to replace two tires rather than one.

It is preferable to use the backup sparingly. And seldom such that you can carry it on hand in case of an emergency.

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